None at this time.
Medical IT Services
CliniSync - Ohio's Health Information Partnership
Would you like to know whether your practice will qualify for free or low cost assistance with Electronic Health Record (EHR) selection and implementation? Would you like help in meeting meaningful use requirements, which is mandatory if you want to qualify for up to $63,750 in financial incentives through Medicare or Medicaid?
The Ohio Health Information Partnership was designated by Governor Strickland in August 2009, to oversee the adoption and use of electronic medical records by Ohio's health care providers. The founding five members include: BioOhio, the Ohio Hospital Association, the Ohio State Medical Association, the Ohio Osteopathic Association, and state government. OOA has a permanent seat on the OHIP Executive Committee. To sign up to receive additional information about the services available for you, click here.
Physician Wellness
Ohio Physicians Wellness Coalition
The Ohio Physician Wellness Coalition (OPWC) was established to address physician burnout. Among other activities, the Coalition—which represents physicians and hospitals statewide—launched a website with a large collection of resources and tools to tackle this often hidden, but very real, problem.
Ohio Professionals Health Program
Call 614-841-9690 for assistance.
The Ohio Professionals Health Program is a confidential resource for physicians, residents, medical students, other healthcare professionals, group practices, health systems, hospitals, and family members or colleagues who have concerns about a physician or other health care professional's health and well being. These may include: substance use disorders, behavioral health, mental health, stress and physical illness.
COVID-19 Resources
In late 2019 an outbreak of respiratory disease caused by a new coronavirus was first identified in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China. The virus was named “SARS-CoV-2” and the disease it causes has been named “coronavirus disease 2019” or COVID-19. The outbreak was declared a pandemic on March 11, 2020.
Special Programs
Advance Directives & Planning
LeadingAge Ohio has created Conversations That Light the Way, a workbook designed to assist in making choices about the kind of health care you want as you journey through the final phases of life. Although this subject can be uncomfortable for many people to address, it is important that each person has the opportunity to make these important choices for themselves. The workbook contains questions, prompts and information that are designed to help you think and talk about your choices. You may want to revisit this workbook over the years as these conversations take time and your decisions and choices may change.
National Institute on Drug Abuse
The National Institute on Drug Abuse maintains on-line resources to help physicians and their patients stay current with the latest science-based facts on drug abuse and addiction. NIDA, an institute of the National Institutes of Health, is the world's leading source of science-based knowledge on preventing and treating drug addiction, a chronic, relapsing disease affecting the brain and behavior.
Ohio Fluoride Varnish Program
Primary care physicians can be reimbursed by Medicaid to apply fluoride varnish during well or sick child examinations for children up to age six. This service is reimbursable ($15.00) when provided in addition to a well or sick child visit, but cannot be the sole reason for the visit. In order to be reimbursed, primary care providers must submit current dental terminology (CDT) code D1206 on a physician claim form. In addition, Smiles for Life provides online education about the principles of oral health screening by primary care providers and offers free CME credit for the course.
State Medical Board
Prescriber resources for chronic and subacute pain, including rules and regulations as well as educational tools.