OSTEOFACTS | What’s Your OOA Membership Worth?

June 19, 2020
Member Value Calculator

What’s Your OOA Membership Worth? 

Well, now we have a way to show you!  The OOA has created a calculator that quantifies the value of your membership. Check it out!

You can tailor the calculator to your particular circumstances by selecting or deselecting services using the checkboxes on the left. You may also modify amounts within the boxes on the right based on your unique circumstances for your professional liability services, legal services, vaccination discounts, and workers’ comp insurance. (Be sure to click outside the box for updated tallies after making edits.)

All of this in addition to other services such as representing the osteopathic profession by engaging state health agencies and the value of student mentorship. As our member benefits continue to grow, so will our OOA member value calculator!

Ohio Statehouse Columbus

Ohio General Assembly Winds Down

As the Ohio General Assembly winds down for summer recess, several legislative proposals received attention, particularly coronavirus-related bills. While no floor session is scheduled, some Senate committees will continue to meet next week.

Here’s a run-down of some of the recent health care-related bills that have occupied their time:

  • HB 61 which incorporated another bill, SB 31, to require permission for contact tracing. Passed by Senate; House refuses to concur with Senate amendments; next step: Conference Committee.
  • HB 606 / SB 308 The bills grant civil immunity to a person who provides services for essential businesses and operations for injury, death, or loss that was caused by the transmission of COVID-19 during the period of emergency declared by Executive Order 2020-01D, which was issued on 3-9.
    • HB 606 provides qualified immunity to physicians and a wide range of health care workers who provide services during a declared disaster or emergency; makes prison staff, grocery-store workers, and first-responders eligible for workers’ compensation should they become infected with the coronavirus; and shields state and local governments from coronavirus-related suits. Passed by House; sponsor testimony last week in Senate Judiciary Committee.
    • SB 308 removed language that would have continued the immunity into permanent law; holds health care immunity to a reckless standard; eliminates immunity for intentional conduct; and clarifies that orders and recommendations do not create a legal duty for tort law. OOA previously submitted written testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee. Passed by Senate; assigned to House Civil Justice Committee.
  • HB 412 establishes the Rare Disease Advisory Council to provide dedicated focus on often underrepresented health issues that can ultimately improve Ohio’s health care system. The OOA offered proponent testimony to the Senate Health, Human Services & Medicaid Committee last week. Passed by House; pending in Senate Committee.
  • HB 673 allows pharmacists to conduct COVID-19 and antibody tests and to supervise pharmacy interns and certified pharmacy technicians to do the same. Passed by House; awaiting Senate Committee referral.
  • HB 679 requires a health benefit plan to reimburse a health care professional for a covered telehealth service, but does not require the reimbursement to be a specific amount. Passed by House; awaiting Senate Committee referral.

See a list of all of the health care-related bills introduced this session.

Coronavirus Testing

Pandemic Progress

Ohio started ‘reopening’ six weeks ago and has not seen a surge in new COVID-19 cases. New coronavirus cases in the state have remained steady for the last week. But southwest Ohio is showing worrisome trends, according to Gov. Mike DeWine, who released county-by-county zip codes with the largest case increases at his briefing on Thursday.

He said pop-up testing sites will be scheduled for Hamilton, Warren, Montgomery, Greene and Clark counties and encouraged residents in these areas to get tested. The state’s coronavirus website has an interactive map of all testing centers.

In other news, the OOA Executive Committee expressed gratitude and support in a letter to former Ohio Department of Health Director Amy Acton, MD. It reads, in part:

As a medical community dedicated to the holistic approach to treatment, we recognize and applaud your all-encompassing approach to the health of Ohioans. Your steadfast position on the gravity of the pandemic and the depth of your medical understanding made it possible for Ohio to limit the number of cases and the number of deaths from this virus.

The recommendations and actions you implemented during this time have set a model for true leadership.

Acton resigned from the ODH position last week, but remains a public health advisor to Gov. Mike DeWine. A nationwide search has begun for her replacement. (If interested in knowing about the position, contact Matt Harney, mattharney@OhioDO.org. Here are the requirements outlined in the Ohio Revised Code.) In addition, ODH Medical Director Mark Hurst, MD, who has been on leave since May, is retiring effective July 20.

US Capitol - CARES Act 2020

CARES Act Funding Specifically for Medicaid Providers

Last week the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced $15B will be distributed to Medicaid providers.

Eligibility requirements include:

  • Participation in Medicaid program or Children’s Health Insurance Program.
  • Have not received other HHS CARES Act provider relief funds (this does not include PPP money).
  • Directly billed a state Medicaid/CHIP program and/or a Medicaid managed care plan for healthcare-related services between January 1, 2018, and May 31, 2020.
  • Provided patient care after January 31, 2020.
  • Did not permanently cease providing patient care.

Payment to each provider will be at least 2% of reported gross revenue from patient care. HHS expects close to one million providers—including dentists, community health centers, physical therapists and others—will receive funding.

Select this link for steps to take to apply, HHS guidance regarding appropriate use of the funds, and considerations for managing your risk in the event of an audit. HHS instructions are here. Applications must be submitted by July 20 at https://cares.linkhealth.com/#/


Seeking Pediatric Surgeon for State of Ohio Committee

The Trauma Committee of the State Board of Emergency Medical, Fire, and Transportation Services (EMFTS)  is seeking nominations for a board-certified surgeon who actively practices pediatric trauma surgery.

The Trauma Committee was created in law to advise and assist the EMFTS in all matters regarding trauma care and the Ohio Trauma System. Its membership is spelled out in Revised Code. The Committee generally meets every other month.

Candidates should submit a CV by July 16 to OOA Executive Director Matt Harney at mattharney@OhioDO.org.


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