The first case in Ohio was confirmed on March 9 (although further analysis shows the virus was here in January) and the first mention in OSTEOFACTS was January 24. Based on several surveys, the OOA launched a coronavirus resource page. Gov. Mike DeWine declared a state of emergency and the Ohio Department of Health issued a host of state orders. The State Medical Board of Ohio made changes to telemedicine rules and CME requirements. ACGME suspended accreditation-related activities. The OOA advocated for:
We assisted state efforts to:
We led a social media campaign in coordination with other physician associations to encourage Ohioans to practice safe protocols. Doctor’s Orders: Mask + 6 Feet included a special logo, t-shirts, hashtag, and member photos. In August, we teamed up with ActionPPE to help you secure personal protective equipment at a discounted rate from a vetted bulk supplier. |
OOA President Sandra L. Cook, DO, was installed, virtually, in April during the virtual OOA House of Delegates. The modified House also included the election of OOA officers, the annual OOPAC Challenge, and recognition of the 2020 award winners. OOA leaders participated in the virtual AOA House of Delegates in October. Over 380 delegates from across the country weighed in on 162 resolutions from five reference committees. The Ohio delegation is the 5th largest state delegation. Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine participated in the OOA Board of Trustees virtual fall meeting. Board members talked with him about vaccine distribution, the impact of state orders, and other issues related to pandemic planning. Pre-pandemic, OOA leaders and staff were on the road with presentations at Doctors Hospital in Columbus, Grandview Medical Center in Dayton, Cleveland Academy of Osteopathic Medicine, and to OU-HCOM students. |
ADVOCACYWhen George Floyd was killed in May and protesters marched across the country, the OOA expressed its support for racial justice. We remain committed to address racial disparities in medical treatment. In October, when the media spotlight on White House Physician Sean Conley, DO, resulted in mischaracterizations of osteopathic medicine, the profession fought back to set the record straight. The OOA also:
EDUCATIONWhen the Ohio Osteopathic Symposium was cancelled, we changed gears and developed an online program. The Virtual Spring Seminar offered 16 hours of AOA Category 1-A CME credits and a full day dedicated to physician wellness topics. This year wraps up year two of medical marijuana sales in Ohio. Those wanting to receive the requisite two-hour educational training can do so through the OOA course. Scholar Teacher Part 2 was launched as part of the popular Scholar Series. We added 13 on-demand programs to the catalog at, a collaborative effort by state osteopathic societies to provide high quality on-demand CME. Members get a 35% discount on Ohio programs. Use the code OOAFamily. |
The 133rd Ohio General Assembly officially concludes today. During the two-year session, OOA tracked nearly 100 bills that impact the health care community and lobbied for and against many pieces of critical legislation. These include:
MEMBERSHIPWhat’s your OOA membership worth? Use the new membership calculator to find out. You can make the most of your membership by becoming involved. Volunteer and DO your part. Of special note, AOBEM launched online Osteopathic Continuous Certification and the AOA extended board certification and a new pathway for DOs currently ABMS board certified. This year, new OOA membership benefits were added, including:
Stay in touch and up-to-date through the OOA Instagram started this year (as well as the other social media accounts on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube). An initial podcast was recorded. Watch for more episodes of Ohio DO Conversations next year. |
EMPOWERING STUDENTSWe continued to engage with the newest members of the osteopathic family this year—most of it virtually. The Board hosted networking sessions via Zoom and an Osteopathic Recognition resource page, launched last year, was updated. White coats were provided to the Class of 2024 through the Ohio Osteopathic Foundation and individual donors. The 227 members of the OU-HCOM Class of 2020 graduated early due to the pandemic. The class included Scott Wong, who concluded the OOA health policy rotation right before lockdown. June 30, 2020, marked the end of the five-year process to consolidate GME education into a single accreditation system. |
This year we added a page to the OOA website to honor and remember members who have recently passed away. We are deeply thankful to these departed physicians for their compassion to their patients and their support for the OOA. Gilbert S. Bucholz, DO |